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McCreary Central High School
Class Of 1979


Class photo at our 30 year reunion, some attendees were not photographed.

Class speakers, Hap Strunk, Dan Neal, and Greg Jones.

Honoring our veterans. Thanks again for your service.

This site  is for you and is designed to help you stay connected with your classmates.  We welcome everyone who attended school with us whether you walked in graduation or not. 


 If this is your first visit we are sure you will have a lot of questions.  Please rest assured that your privacy is of utmost importance.   Click on the link on the left titled "Website Registration" for instructions and answers to any questions you may have.   

Have you ever wondered what happened to that cute girl that sat next to you in history class? What became of the class clown?  Come on, admit it, you are just a little curious about the people you went to school with, aren’t you?  Sign in now and catch up with old friends and make new ones.  No need to wait for a reunion – your friends and classmates can be found here!


Please join our website and create your profile, the success of this site depends on you.  Check back often to see who has joined , who is trying to contact you, and get the latest announcements concerning your classmates.

  Please visit our discussion board to chat with you classmates!



